In the morning, we decided to go and watch some of the morning activity as the base was still operating as normal outside of the display times. The area was already full of people waiting

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZK341)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZK321)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZK427 & ZK340)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZJ917)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZJ917)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZJ917)
The displays were started with a pair of Spitfires from the BBMF. Spitfire Mk IX (MK356) and Spitfire Mk XVIe (TE311) both took off to perform their dual display, which featured them tailing each other, and series of rolls and low passes. Once the pairs display had finished, TE311 came in to land whilst the pilot of MK356 waited to perform their solo display. Once the area was clear, MK356 conducted its display

Next up was the Typhoon, and although this was the fourth time seeing this routine, it never gets old...

After the Typhoon had finished and landed, Spitfire Mk XVIe (TE311) and Hurricane Mk IICÂ (LF363) took off to perform their routine, which involved the Spitfire performing a chase sequence against the Hurricane. Similarly to before, once the pair had finished, the Hurricane landed whilst the Spitfire waited, and performed its own short solo display before it then landed itself

We then went back to our caravan at Tattershall Lakes and had something to eat. In the afternoon we then went back out to watch the rest of the days action from the fence, which included another asymmetric approach (which are extremely loud!)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZK306)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZK306)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZK325)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4

Eurofighter Typhoon T.3 (ZK381)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZK325)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZK341)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZJ917)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZJ913) ('Moggy')
The next day, before we went home, we decided to go and watch some of the morning departures, which included a dual takeoff with 'Moggy'

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZK424)

Eurofighter Typhoon T.3 (ZK383)

Eurofighter Typhoon T.3 & FGR.4 (ZK383 & ZK341)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZK426)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZJ917)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZJ917)

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 (ZK331 & ZJ917)

Sadly, a couple of days after this, news was shared that a Spitfire had crashed outside of Coningsby, and sadly, Pilot Sqn Ldr Mark Long had passed away, as well as the loss of MK356
Rest in Peace